辺境通信 Henkyo News: 日本の新聞記事、外国では「ソースなし」扱い

元ネタ(というわけでもないけど)は日刊ベリタ : 記事 : 【11】インテリジェンスとは何かから。記事によるとこうある。

産経の記事には、情報の出所が示されていない。国際的に通用する英文記事には必ず情報の出所(attribution)が明示される。AFPが“without giving its sources” という句をわざわざ入れたのはそのためである。

なるほど! ちぃおぼえた。
というわけでさっそく「without giving its sources」でググってみた。



The Nihon Keizai business daily reported on Wednesday, without giving its sources, that Toyota aims to bring out a new sport utility vehicle in 2008 and a luxury sports car around 2009, followed by two more models in 2010.


これもAFP。見出しの「BoJ」は Bank of Japan の略のようです。

Many of the BoJ's nine board members believe prices have entered a positive growth trend and the central bank is likely to raise the overnight call rate by a quarter point to 0.25 per cent on Friday, the Nihon Keizai business daily reported without giving its sources.



LONDON (AFX) - A group of Italian banks will use Parmalat's Nov 7 shareholder meeting to try to have its manufacturing operations separated from the legal actions related to its collapse two years ago, the Financial Times reported.

The newspaper said, without giving its sources, that the banking faction supporting the split could include Banca Intesa, Capitalia, SanPaolo IMI and Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena.



The Sunday Telegraph reported yesterday that two previous DNA tests had also showed positive links between Mr Blunkett and the boy, but these could not be used in court.

The newspaper, without giving its sources, said a third official DNA test that could be used legally had also confirmed Mr Blunkett's paternity. The paper also said that Mrs Quinn, the US-born publisher of the conservative Spectator magazine, was bracing herself for further revelations of past lovers.

「The Sunday Telegraph」、「ソースはない」。


Bild am Sonntag newspaper reported on Sunday, without giving its sources, that Schroeder could become foreign minister and vice-chancellor in a Merkel-led cabinet.

「Bild am Sonntag newspaper」(なんて読むんだ?)、「ソースはない」


The two countries have been jointly conducting research since 1999 into a new missile defense system against a possible attack by North Korea and plan to start the development stage sometime from March, Kyodo News reported.

It said Japan's Defense Agency had advised that Tokyo would pay about one-third of the estimated three-billion-dollar cost, the news agency said without giving its sources.


これだけしか調べてないのでなんともいえないが、日本の記事は「ソースなし」が多いのかもしれないが、日本が特別多いのかどうかはなんともいえない感じ。やっぱり調査が少なすぎかなぁ。あと「without giving its sources」という言い回しはAFPが好んで用いる言い回しなんじゃないかと思った。(たまたまかな?)

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